i'm a monarchist in the chappell roan sense

Europe Says mastodon (AP) V neznano izginila mladoletnica iz Ljubljane, policisti prosijo za pomoč – Slovenija #Novice #slovenia #Slovenija
V neznano izginila mladoletnica iz Ljubljane, policisti prosijo za pomoč - Slovenija

Mina mastodon (AP)

Heute 1 Minute mehr Tageslicht als gestern.

Von 🌇 8:12-15:56 Uhr 🌆

Da ist doch was, oder?
Maxim Loick mastodon (AP)
Hab schon mal das Handtuch auf den Rasen im Garten gelegt und einen Schirmchendrink vorbereitet. 😎☀️🌞
Mina mastodon (AP)

That's the spirit!
Maxim Loick mastodon (AP)
That‘s the spirit!

Stiiimt😀. So oft hab ich den Kindern und damit vorallem mir als eine Art Hoffnungsschimmer davon erzählt m und dann hät ich es beinahe verpasst🫣

Chris Geidner mastodon (AP)
BREAKING: Senate Dems' report on SCOTUS ethics inquiry decries "culture of misconduct," Thomas's gifts, Alito's failure to recuse, and Roberts's refusal to act.

New, this morning at Law Dork:
almondtree reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Teenager stabs 7-year-old to death, wounds other students… #7YearOld #croatia #death #hrvatska #in #other #school #stabs #Students #TEENAGER #TO #vijesti #wounds
Teenager stabs 7-year-old to death, wounds other students...

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kevin O'Leary: Way More CEOs 'Sucking Up' To Trump Coming

> #Musica De El Hijo Del Emperador #Fulgrim El Que Asedio A Las Tentaciones De #Slaanesh y No Lo Culpo Por Ello Quien No Lo Haría... :ageblobcat: :ablobcatnod:

• FULGRIM la TRAGEDIA del Fénix - #Warhammer40K Epic Song #Video #Music #YouTube :blobcatmeltthumbsup: :bluebirdroll:

[ ]

Good question, tree. Good question.
A close-up photo of a grey tree trunk with the woods in the background. Carved into the park, obviously obviously a little bit old, is an inscription “why me”
almondtree reshared this.

es, con mucha diferencia, el año que menos polvorones, mantecados y turrón de chocolate he comido hasta ahora...
Ídem. De hecho todavía no los he catado (y con lo que yo he sido... bueno, soy).

Aguantemos 💪

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
Apparently the mall Santa regretted saying to my 10 year old nephew, “so I hear you like aeroplanes”, today about 5 minutes into the retelling of his MH370 theory.

Khurram Wadee diaspora
Today is the #WinterSolstice in the northern half of the planet. It will occur in just over an hour’s time at 09:20Z, marking the start of #Winter, accompanied by the #LongestNight. Meanwhile, the other side of the #Earth is half a year out of phase and will mark the start of #Summer on their #SummerSolstice and the #LongestDay. By coincidence, the Earth is near #Perigee at this time of year, being its closest to the #Sun. in its very slightly #EllipticalOrbit. Actual pergee will occur on 4 January 2025.
Khurram Wadee diaspora
Yes, the posh people call it the precession of the equinox.
English has a word for...everything.

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
#KungFuSat Public Service Announcement: YouTube has #MartialLaw with Cynthia Rothrock on it.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Dem Becca Balint: Republicans Trashing Elon Musk in Private
⚡️🇺🇦President Zelensky: “Today, the removal of debris and rubble in Kyiv following yesterday's missile attack has been completed. And today, the works also continue throughout the day in our Kherson after Russian bombs hit an oncology center. Fortunately, there (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
2 people reshared this

James DeVol mastodon (AP)
Well...up and running at 6am this morning and I made my first pot of coffee with the bag of beans that I ran through my new grinder...very nice coffee but I think I'll keep them for a treat...after all, I bought a 45 ounce can of ground coffee this week that needs to be used....I still can't believe I bought 150 bucks worth of stuff that I wanted instead of needed this week...and that went against how I do things...but damn, the Fiskars shrub shears are just gorgeous...good morning!
Callalily reshared this.
cobalt mastodon (AP)
This Fall I bought things I never dreamed I’d have. And some are really nice, like I always hoped to have but never had the money for. It occurred to me if I am the one doing 98% of the cooking, at 73 by ghods I should have nice things. Especially great kitchenware! I got myself a stovetop percolator a few months ago because I missed the aroma through the home. And I sure do need good, rich coffee these days.
James DeVol mastodon (AP)
Hi...yeah, I agree with the good cookware...when my daughter sold her summer home, she brought me all of the cookware, cutlery, glasses and some tools I didn't even know I needed...had never had a food processor or nice cutting boards until she gave them to me...and that stuff replaced 25 year old pots and pans so now I have non stick Cuisinart stainless steel...another luxury...hope you have a nice day!

Fisher of Time mastodon (AP)
The FH celibrating the solstice on a warm blanket
#catsofmastodon #caturday #cat #cats
fluffy tabico cat lying on her back on blanket with eyes half closed.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
JUST IN: German Car Attack Suspect Was Fan of AfD, Like Musk

Ω 🌍 Gus Posey mastodon (AP)
A man capable of ending world hunger who does nothing shouldn't be in charge of policy making.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Trump wanted $90M for inauguration while cutting $190M from cancer research: lawmaker - Raw Story

Lisa Gets Politik mastodon (AP)
"The richest man in the world—worth some $250 BILLION—told Republicans to rip $190 Million away from kids" - Brian Tyler Cohen
almondtree reshared this.

Asking the real questions!
A social post from @JustBeingEmma that says:
At this point, I'm not sure if my house is a mess or my mess is a
KryptykPhysh mastodon (AP)
All credit to Cyanide and Happiness.
A comic strip about the existential angst faced by a gingerbread man in a gingerbread house wondering if the house is made of flesh or he is made of house.
Visikde mastodon (AP)
Distinction without Difference

Ellie Kennard mastodon (AP)
I had a parcel I was waiting for yesterday and was really annoyed to find it just sitting on the lawn with no delivery notification. It was barely visible from the house as it's down a bit of a dip and we might have missed it.
I was going to complain to the delivery company... Then I saw the proof of delivery photograph I eventually got. Explains everything.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Hashtag list starts:

#EllieKPosts #delivery #proofOfDelivery #JoniTheBorderCollie
A screenshot of a delivery notice with text above in French that says "Dragonfly

Ceci est un message automatisé, veuillez ne pas répondre à ce courriel."

The photo showing proof of delivery has a long drive leading up to a house. In the grass in the front of the photo is the parcel with a happy looking black and white border collie standing over it.
3 people reshared this

Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Albert, DEATH’s butler, valet & all round handy man, is masquerading as a, somewhat disreputable elf while his master is standing in for the Hogfather. They are currently in the Hogfather’s sleigh.

I must say that I may get the Squirrel Expeditionary Force to adopt this phrase as their battle cry, so much more genteel than “Gizz yer nuts yer scunner!!” Which seems to be the one they currently employ!

“Albert spat over the side of the sleigh. “Hah! ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice If Everyone Was Nice,’ eh?” THERE ARE WORSE BATTLE CRIES.”
― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

@weirdfolks #WeirdFolks #SquirrelsOfMastodon #TheMammutMoves

For today’s diary update please follow #TimsASDjourney
Picture a red squirrel standing on a branch in a nighttime wintery scene. Ice crystals blown in the wind glitter in the moon light! 
Credit: AI created with help from
paul mastodon (AP)
who would win.?

the anthropomorphic personification of death?

or the Omicronian ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8 with a laser anti-aircraft battery.

paul mastodon (AP)

As a newborn pup, Gaspode was thrown into the River Ankh in a brick-weighted sack. Since it was the Ankh, Gaspode was subsequently able to crawl ashore and find shelter in an alley, though not before forming a rather confused relationship with the brick. 'For two weeks, I thought it the brick was my mother," he says.

It's the hard-knock life for us
It's the hard-knock life for us
'Stead of treated
We get tricked
'Stead of kisses
We get kicked
It's the hard-knock life

Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
Trump: "When I get elected, we will finally be respected again!"

The internet:
Trump kneeling before King Elon. Musk controlling the "Donocchio" Trump puppet using puppeteer strings.
Elon Musk in the president's chair, while Trump is sitting in a children's chair. Elon sitting in the president's chair with butler Trump serving lunch.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
3 people reshared this
Kotaro calckey (AP)
That's a great result. Did you use the AI for image generation in X? It's something like that, to generate images of their faces.

⚡️🇦🇹Ukraine needs American THAAD systems to counter Oreshnik missile - Austrian colonel (more) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine #Austria
Jeff Pummill mastodon (AP)
Ukraine NEEDS long range Taurus and Tomahawk missiles to begin to deter Russian terrorism 😒

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Bad news gets our attention because it triggers the “fight or flight” response in our animal brains.

But if you don’t pay attention to good news and act upon it, you won’t reap the potential rewards either.

And inaction on good news is its own bad news.

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
#kungfusat Is it over? Please let it be over!

Firestorm Books mastodon (AP)
In "They Will Beat the Memory Out of Us," author Peter Gelderloos argues that a failure to learn from, and remember, our history is a primary impediment to liberatory movements. "Many of us have come to expect that each new generation will grow up unaware of the struggles that preceded them, having to make all the same mistakes and to learn similar versions of the same lessons. But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?"

Radical history-keeping is one of the interventions that a bookspace like Firestorm participates in, and this year our community read a multitude of movement histories, revolutionary memoirs, and collected reflections. We didn't just read—past and present members of our collective also contributed to the work of documenting our shared experiences, as in "Books Through Bars" and "Constellations of Care," two new collections created by and for movement participants. In other cases, we gathered together with neighbors to read and discuss, a practice of collective digestion exemplified by the six weeks we spent with Solnit's "A Paradise Built In Hell" after Hurricane Helene (a backlist title that sold faster than we could replace it for months, resulting in widespread book sharing and the unmonetized circulation of photocopied chapters).

Of course, we were also reading novels! Despite some misconceptions, Firestorm is principally a collective of fiction readers, with tastes that skew toward the delightful and unsophisticated. And while our community sometimes surpasses us, we saw a continuing surge of interest in horror, with many of our best sellers bridging the terror of the supernatural and the horror of existing on the margins of capitalist and colonial states. Finally, we'd be remiss not to shout out Margaret Killjoy's "The Sapling Cage," a witchy YA novel that sold four times more copies than any title at our store, in a few short months becoming our second bestselling novel of all time 🤯

Find our complete list of 2024 Bestsellers & Collective Picks at
A photo of nonfiction titles from Firestorm's 2024 Bestsellers & Collective Picks list. The books are stacked on the edge of a table and bookshelves are visible in the background. At the top of the stack is a faced copy of "They Will Beat the Memory Out of Us: Forcing Nonviolence on Forgetful Movements."
A photo of fiction titles from Firestorm's 2024 Bestsellers & Collective Picks list. The books are stacked on the edge of a table and bookshelves are visible in the background. At the top of the stack is a faced copy of "The Sapling Cage."
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
almondtree reshared this.
Amos Keppler mastodon (AP)
telling, keeping alive radical history is crucial.

Khurram Wadee diaspora
#Wordle 1,281 3/6

Bat Andrea diaspora
Wordle 1.281 5/6*

Wordle 1,281 3/6

and beat that smug bot.

Ich hab meinem Landarzt gesagt, wie süß ich die Sammlung von Schlümpfen auf seinem Schreibtisch finde (die sind für Kinder). Er grinste breit und ich gestand: Gegen den schlimmsten Stress habe ich eine wunderbare Therapie: Schlümpfe gucken! Er wird's den Erwachsenen empfehlen. 😁

#TrägerSchlumpfismus #Meditation #Wellness #Zen #RechtaufFaulheit #Schlümpfe #schtroumpf #smurfs

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
#KungFuSat This is kinda like Anakin vs Kenobi, if you squint, and really lower your expectations.

Son of a Sailor mastodon (AP)
Snug as the proverbial bug. (AKA, roly-poly mode.)
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Photo of a gray tabby cat curled up like a ball in a plush, light green cat bed. She is tucked into one end of the bed, leaving a third of it unused. She's rolled up so tightly you can see no trace of paws or tail. So sweet.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.

Oh nein, eine Cousine hat sich in einem Adventsgesteck verheddert 🙈
Entschuldigt mich, da muss ich helfen!

*packt Bastelschere und Schutzbrille brille brille brille ein*
Den Rettungsfaden nicht vergessen!☝️🥹🧶

Jamie Knight mastodon (AP)
Out a couple of evenings ago, and walking through the cemetery I encounter my other friend, Mr Black Cat. He’s fairly tame for a stray, and ate some kibble as long as I kept a respectable distance away. Unfortunately he’d left when I got back from the shop and missed out on a proper meal.

#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon
A black cat investigating a tray of kibble in a grassy cemetery. It’s night, and the scene is lit by my head torch. There are gravestones in the background, some decorated with flowers.
Marion Donnelly reshared this.

Basti mastodon (AP)
Keiner folgt mir. Der Vorteil von X:
Man kriegt Follower und das nicht wenig.
Hier folgt kaum einer dem Anderen.
Basti mastodon (AP)
Dankeschön und frohes Tröten auch unterm Weihnachtsbaum
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
p6 mastodon (AP)
ebenso!! 😃

To all those who are on a narrow piece of land connecting two larger areas across an expanse of water, we wish you a Merry Isthmus.

Jeri Dansky mastodon (AP)
The red and green in this dahlia photo seem to go along with the Christmas season.

I wonder if I have any photos of blue and white ones for Chanukah. I'll need to look!

#Bloomscrolling #flowers
Bright red dahlia blooms along with buds that provide a pop of bright green.
newer older

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