Durcheinanderin mastodon (AP)
#KleineKunstklasseAdvent 21

*Indiana Floh und das Geheimnis des Glühweins*

Kleine Schneeflocke, hast du gewusst, dass der Glühwein 1956 in Augsburg erfunden wurde? ❄️🍇,und%20verkaufte%20diesen%20als%20Gl%C3%BChwein.

#kleineKunstklasse #MastoArt #Augsburg
Digitale Zeichnung: vor rosenholzfarbenem Hintergrund eine Schneeflocke mit Gesicht, Armen und Beinen sitzt am Boden, hält eine blaue Tasse mit Augsburger Stadtwappen (grüne Zirbelnuss auf rot-weißem Wappen) mit einer roten, dampfenden Flüssigkeit in der Hand und pustet vorsichtig, während sie einem Floh zuhört, der gegenüber sitzt und etwas sagt. Er trägt einen Hut und eine aufgerollte Peitsch und hat ebenso eine blaue Tasse in der Hand. Die Szene ist mit zwei Lichterketten geschmückt, die am oberen Bildrand hängen.

Digital drawing: against a rosewood background, a snowflake with a face, arms and legs sits on the ground, holding a blue cup with the Augsburg city coat of arms (green pine cone on red and white coat of arms) with a red, steaming liquid in its hand and blowing gently while listening to a flea sitting opposite and saying something. He is wearing a hat and a rolled-up whip and also has a blue cup in his hand. The scene is decorated with two strings of lights hanging at the top of the picture.

#GutenMorgen liebe #Mastodonier und #Fediverser,

es ist Samstag, der 21. Dezember 2024. Die #Sternzeit beträgt -38027 (ab dem ersten Warp Flug von Zefran Cochrane, 2063), bzw. -298027 (ab TNG, 2323). Wir befinden uns auf dem Planeten Erde, im System Sol, auf der Plattform

Wir haben aktuell 173 User. Diese haben bisher 32769 Tröts geschrieben. Das sind 189.42 Tröts pro Rüssel.

Es folgt die Weisheit des Tages:

Jede Rohheit hat ihren Ursprung in einer Schwäche.
-- Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4-65 n.Chr.)

#mastodon #fediverse #stats #statistics #lsbt #lgbt #weisheit #weisheiten #weisheitdestages #trans #gay #schwul #lesbian #lesbisch #homo #transsexualität #transsexuell #transgeschlecht #transgeschlechtlich #safeplace #adminpost #morningpost

earendil diaspora

Buttered Rum Pound Cake


earendil diaspora

Matcha S'mores Pie


Wann lag zuletzt Schnee an Weihnachten? gibt basierend auf DWD Daten die Antwort für über 170 Standorte und zeigt den historischen Verlauf
Wann lag zuletzt Schnee über die Weihnachtsfeiertage?  Hier eine Darstellung mit weißen bzw. grünen Tannenbäumen für die 3 Weihnachtsfeiertage. Hier die Darstellung für Berlin-Dahlem.

Zack Labe mastodon (AP)
100 years of average January-November temperature anomalies over land areas through 2024...

What do you observe?

Data available from NOAAGlobalTemp v6.0.0 at
windy mastodon (AP)
What are "anomalies" ? Also, what does this visual intend to add as value for "decision making" that is not already known -- apart from manipulating opinion into thinking 0.10 degree per decade is bad and "hot"?

earendil diaspora

Parmesan, spinach, and mushroom gnocchi soup

Christoph S reshared this.

earendil diaspora

Apple Maple Pecan Bread Pudding

Hank G ☑️ friendica
That does look delicious 😀

Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Die Tage sind gefüllt mit Vorbereitungen.
Am Abend kommt man zur Ruhe.
Man denkt nach
über das, was war, das, was ist und das, was sein wird.
So viel Schönes, aber auch, naja, anderes...

"Egal, was in deinem Leben passiert,
du darfst dir niemals
dass Feuer in deiner Seele,
das Leuchten in deinen Augen
und die Leidenschaft in deinem Herzen
nehmen lassen."

Habt einen entspannten Abend, ihr Lieben, 🧡
und später eine gute Nacht mit wunderbaren Träumen! ✨

Blick in eine Ecke unseres abendlichen Hausflurs.
Holzgerahmte kleine Bilder an den Wänden, hängende Herbstblätter, Stehlampe mit 3 Lichtern und Kerze als Lichtquellen, Hirschkissen, links vorn Teil einer Sessellehne
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
Gute Nacht liebe Elsa!🥰🙋🏼‍♀️🌟😴

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Was der Freispruch im Prozess um ein Rettungsschiff für Salvini bedeutet

Mit dem Freispruch hat Italiens Vize-Ministerpräsident Salvini sein Ziel erreicht. Er war wegen seines Umgangs mit Migranten auf einem Schiff vor Lampedusa angeklagt. In Bedrängnis geriet er politisch deswegen jedoch kaum. Von L. Weiß und T. Kleinjung.


#Salvini #Italien

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Israeli soldiers report "commanders had ordered or allowed the killing of unarmed women, children & men" in Gaza's Netzarim Corridor.

One commander announced that "200 fighters were killed," whereas “only 10 were confirmed as known Hamas."

Soldiers received orders to open fire on “anyone who enters - Anyone crossing the line is a terrorist – no exceptions, no civilians. Everyone’s a terrorist."

#GazaGenocide #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #Hamas #israelMurdersChilren .
protester holding shroud labelled gaza's children
Israel has become the terrorist state...
DrALJONES mastodon (AP)

Yes, though its terrorism began a century ago with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine (at Britain's invitation) & has only worsened.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Tel-Aviv frappé par un “projectile” tiré depuis le Yémen #Israel #projectile #RebellesHouthis #TelAviv #Yemen
Des secouristes israéliens inspectent un cratère provoqué par un projectile tiré du Yémen, le 21 décembre 2024 à Tel-Aviv (Jack GUEZ)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Christodoulides condemns German Christmas market attack #cyprus
cover Christodoulides condemns German Christmas market attack

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Das BKA ermittelt gegen Putins Schergen: 700 Hinweise zu Kriegsverbrechen #bka #investigation #kriegsverbrechen #LutzMartin #texttospeech #Ukraine #UkraineKonflikt
Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Das BKA ermittelt gegen Putins Schergen: 700 Hinweise zu Kriegsverbrechen

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Warm-up before Belarus? ‘Tulip revolution’ in Kyrgyzstan in 2005 #belarus
Image credit: RIA Novosti

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Nielsen Pulls Paramount Data From Advertiser Analysis Tool #Data #nielsen #Paramount #ParamountGlobal
Nielsen Pulls Paramount Data From Advertiser Analysis Tool

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Corner: The solstice and our fragile balance | News, Sports, Jobs #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #LocalColumns #MidOhioValleyClimateCorner:TheSolsticeAndOurFragileBalance #MidOhioValleyClimateCorner:TheSolsticeAndOurFragileBalanceOpinion
Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Corner: The solstice and our fragile balance | News, Sports, Jobs

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ky. Gov. Andy Beshear talks state economy and next General Assembly session #AffordableHousing #EconomicDevelopment #Economy #GeneralAssembly #GovernorAndyBeshear #IncomeTaxCut #infrastructure #kentucky #PublicEducation
ABC logo

Europe Says mastodon (AP) What to expect from artificial intelligence in 2025? Major scientific advances on the way, from health to climate #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Climate #health #science
What to expect from artificial intelligence in 2025? Major scientific advances on the way, from health to climate

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Nuclear Power Plants Save Workers as Russian Bombings Intensify #nuclear
Nuclear Power Plants Save Workers as Russian Bombings Intensify

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Are Harbour Energy plc’s (LON:HBR) Mixed Financials Driving The Negative Sentiment? #EarningsGrowth #Energy #HarbourEnergy #ROE
Questerre Energy Among Three Top Picks

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The Future of Crypto: 5 Coins That Could Rule the Market With Unstoppable Growth by 2025 #crypto #cryptocurrency
The Future of Crypto: 5 Coins That Could Rule the Market With Unstoppable Growth by 2025

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Heartfulness Institute and Plasma Water Solutions Inc. strengthen collaboration for environment and food security #Environment
Heartfulness Institute and Plasma Water Solutions Inc. strengthen collaboration for environment and food security

Europe Says mastodon (AP) SpaceX launching 4 ‘MicroGEO’ satellites to orbit tonight #space
SpaceX launching 4 'MicroGEO' satellites to orbit tonight

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 1,031 | Russia-Ukraine war News #Conflicts #europe #News #Russia #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianInvasionOfUkraine #RussoUkrainianWar #Ukraine
Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 1,031 | Russia-Ukraine war News

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Could $100m of Elon Musk’s money sway a general election for Reform UK? | Reform UK #Politics
Could $100m of Elon Musk’s money sway a general election for Reform UK? | Reform UK

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Local Civil War soldier gets the Medal of Honor | News, Sports, Jobs #Conflicts #geopolitics #LocalCivilWarSoldierGetsTheMedalOfHonor #LocalNews
Local Civil War soldier gets the Medal of Honor | News, Sports, Jobs

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Homeless in North Korea, honored in India #Conflicts #NorthKorea
Homeless in North Korea, honored in India

Europe Says mastodon (AP) 2 dead, dozens injured in Christmas market attack – DW – 12/21/2024 #News #world #WorldNews #WorldTopics
2 dead, dozens injured in Christmas market attack – DW – 12/21/2024

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Israeli lawmaker suggests stopping Hamas war for Gaza hostage deal – Israel News #Conflicts #GazaHostages #HamasCeasefire #HostageDeal #Israel #IsraelHamasWar

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Sectarian violence in Syria has been less intense than feared since Assad’s ouster #AhmadAlSharaa #AntonyBlinken #BasharAssad #Conflicts #Syria #WorldNews
Sectarian violence in Syria has been less intense than feared since Assad's ouster

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Christmas in Tehran During the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis #Christianity #Christmas #Conflicts #history #Iran
Christmas in Tehran During the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Former royal family regains Greek citizenship 50 years after monarchy abolished #diaspora #News #Politics #royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #royals
Former royal family regains Greek citizenship 50 years after monarchy abolished

Fucking neighbour and dog been barking at each other for an hour. Take it for a fucking walk. Then move to a place with a fucking garden.

I love my neighbours and their dog btw. First on the Xmas card list.
MastoDan mastodon (AP)
the poor thing drags owners around when they do take it out for a wander round the town tarmac.

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Analysis: Annexation of the West Bank has been on the Israeli agenda for years. But now, from an Israeli point of view, a “great opportunity” must not be missed.

Trump said: "Israel is so tiny on the map. Is there any way of getting more?”

Annexing the West Bank at a time when Palestine is in turmoil is a recipe for perpetual war - another “great opportunity” that will secure the Israeli far right's political survival.

#Trump #WestBankAnnexation #EthnicCleansing .
Sign "The Occupation of the West Bank is illegal"
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