und dieses wahnsinnige genozid-geplapper, während man gleichzeitig die geschichte des islamisch/arabischen antisemitismus und den pogrom-charakter des 7oktober leugnet, leider wahnhaft!
btw im ND-interview hatte traverso ja auch schon mal ähnlichen antisemitischen blödsinn erzählt, da war allerdings sein "argument", dass die hamas iwi kein staat wäre und es sich darum nicht um ein "staatlich organisiertes pogrom" handeln könnte, aber im wahnsinn nimmt man halt, was grade passend gemacht wird
Ukrainian forces eliminated three senior Russian military officers on an occupied territory with a HIMARS strike.
After Ukrainian intelligence obtained information about their planned meeting in an occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast, a precision HIMARS strike was launched, followed by drone attacks on evacuation group.
Five military vehicles were also destroyed in the operation.
#CAwx Periods of light to moderate precipitation are expected today through Sunday, with the highest amounts expected across the northern Sacramento Valley, foothills and mountains. Expect a longer than normal commute and slick roads.
Dmitry Yadrov didn’t comment on statements by an Azerbaijani lawmaker and many aviation experts who blamed Wednesday’s crash on Russian air defense fire
You really have to wonder about Russian military and civilian aviation tech, if they can't tell the difference between a commercial airliner & a drone.
MEDICAL EVENT Munster, IN, 10/28/2024 The licensee's radiation safety officer (RSO) was notified on 12/20/2024, at approximately 1130 CST of a medical event that occurred at Franciscan Health Munster in Munster, IN on 10/28/2024. A patient was prescribed a Y-90 TheraSphere treatment with a prescribed dose of 23.5 Gbq. The calculated administrated dose was 18.32 Gbq. This indicates an approximate 22 percent underdose. The licensee is continuing to investigate.