The Register mastodon (AP)
Microsoft adds another problem to the Windows 11 24H2 naughty list

Santa Satya pops one more issue into his sack just in time for Christmas The trickle of known issues with Windows 11 24H2 has continued with a new one just in time for festive season: installed the operating system using removable media? There's a chance it might stop receiving security updates.…
#theregister #IT

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Mackinaw City, MI:
Northeastern view of the Mackinac Bridge traversing the Straits of Mackinac. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 17:29:41 UTC (about 3 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Mackinaw City: 37.99 F | 3.33 C // Precip: mist // Wind: SSE at 10.357 mph | 16.66 kph // Humidity: 95%

Axios mastodon (AP)
2024 will be the second straight "hottest year" on record.

People around the world suffered an average of 41 extra days of dangerous heat this year because of climate change.

CBC North mastodon (AP)
Killer whales in Arctic waters could pose risks to ecosystem, Manitoba researcher says
Killer whales are expanding their territory and have moved into Arctic waters as climate change melts sea ice, with two genetically distinct populations being identified by Canadian scientists.
#climatechange #ecosystem #Arctic #News #Canada #Manitoba

Marv Clowder reshared this.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die nationalpopulistische PiS unterstützt im Wahlkampf den Ex-Boxer Karol Nawrocki. Doch die Bevölkerung ist skeptisch, in Umfragen führt ein anderer.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Der Kreml hält sich mit Kommentaren zur Unglücksursache zurück. Hinweise verdichten sich, dass eine russische Rakete das Flugzeug getroffen hat.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Das Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober als Pogrom zu bezeichnen, ist falsch, meint der Historiker Enzo Traverso. Ein Gespräch über Krieg und Erinnerung.
und dieses wahnsinnige genozid-geplapper, während man gleichzeitig die geschichte des islamisch/arabischen antisemitismus und den pogrom-charakter des 7oktober leugnet, leider wahnhaft!
btw im ND-interview hatte traverso ja auch schon mal ähnlichen antisemitischen blödsinn erzählt, da war allerdings sein "argument", dass die hamas iwi kein staat wäre und es sich darum nicht um ein "staatlich organisiertes pogrom" handeln könnte, aber im wahnsinn nimmt man halt, was grade passend gemacht wird

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Beaver Island, MI:
Security cam looking SSE over of the Beaver Island Ferry dock with Lake Michigan in the distance. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 16:50:43 UTC (about 13 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Beaver Island: 41.32 F | 5.18 C // Precip: light rain // Wind: SE at 6.912 mph | 11.12 kph // Humidity: 93%

Euromaidan Press mastodon (AP)
Ukrainian forces eliminated three senior Russian military officers on an occupied territory with a HIMARS strike.

After Ukrainian intelligence obtained information about their planned meeting in an occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast, a precision HIMARS strike was launched, followed by drone attacks on evacuation group.

Five military vehicles were also destroyed in the operation.

📹 Main Intelligence Directorate

Year remaining mastodon (AP)
░░░░░░░░░▓ 1%

Guardian Limericks mastodon (AP)
There once was a cable at sea,
Connecting two lands by decree,
But suspected sabotage,
Caused quite a mirage,
Now NATO's presence will be key.

#GuardianLimerick #Nato #Estonia #Finland #Europe #Russia

FlagFacts mastodon (AP)
Tyumen Oblast
Flag of Tyumen Oblast

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
View above South Channel Beach in Muskegon as it meets Lake Michigan. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 16:21:01 UTC (about 12 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 42.53 F | 5.85 C // Precip: mist // Wind: E at 8.053 mph | 12.9 kph // Humidity: 93%

NWS Sacramento (bot) mastodon (AP)
Periods of light to moderate precipitation are expected today through Sunday, with the highest amounts expected across the northern Sacramento Valley, foothills and mountains. Expect a longer than normal commute and slick roads.

        Periods of light to moderate precipitation are expected today through Sunday, with the highest amounts expected across the northern Sacramento Valley, foothills and mountains. Expect a longer than normal commute and slick roads.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Bundeskanzler Scholz will eine konsequente Aufklärung möglicher Sicherheitslücken. Der Bundesopferbeauftragte verspricht den Betroffenen Hilfe.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Science-Fiction-Autorin Theresa Hannig kriegt Besuch von einem Zeitreisenden. Zum Glück weiß er schon, was nächstes Jahr passiert. Und erzählt es.

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near St. Ignace, MI:
Southwestern view of the Mackinac Bridge traversing the Straits of Mackinac. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 15:49:22 UTC (about 13 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in St. Ignace: 37.79 F | 3.22 C // Precip: moderate rain // Wind: SSE at 13.802 mph | 22.21 kph // Humidity: 95%

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Elon Musk ruft zum Boykott gegen Wikipedia auf, weil das Online-Lexikon zu woke sei. Vermutlich geht es dem Multimilliardär aber um etwas anderes.
Baltico mastodon (AP)
Natürlich. Um die Hoheit über die Fakten.

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
View of Muskegon breakwater in the distance, and the red South Lighthouse defining the entrance of the Muskegon Channel in the foreground. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 15:20:01 UTC (about 13 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 41.99 F | 5.55 C // Precip: light rain // Wind: E at 11.498 mph | 18.50 kph // Humidity: 94%

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Behörden nehmen an, dass die Opfer unter der Herrschaft Saddam Hussein in den 1980er Jahren getötet wurden. Jetzt wird das Massengrab ausgehoben.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Der am Donnerstag verstorbene Ex-Premier wird mit allen Ehren gewürdigt: Er habe das Leben des einfachen Volkes verändert, sagen Parteikollegen.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Das Wohnen ist privat und politisch zugleich. Das nimmt die Ausstellung „Our House“ in der Villa Giersch in Frankfurt am Main in den Blick.

BBC News Top Stories mastodon (AP)
TV is too risk averse, says Grange Hill creator

The creator of the series says there is too much risk aversion in television nowadays.

(c) #BBC #News
#News #bbc

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Chicago, IL:
View of Navy Pier in Chicago from William E. Dever Crib in Lake Michigan east of North Avenue. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 15:00:01 UTC (about 3 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Chicago: 46.52 F | 8.07 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: E at 12.996 mph | 20.91 kph // Humidity: 86%

The Vulgar Tongue mastodon (AP)
CHEATS. Sham sleeves to put over a dirty shift or shirt. See SHAMS.

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)

#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
Image imitating a page from an old document, text (as in main toot):

CHEATS. Sham sleeves to put over a dirty shift or shirt. See SHAMS.

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Probably very handy if you were a maid- scrubbing one minute, expected to look clean while serving food the next.

rogue_corq mastodon (AP)
Ukrainian drone attack was under way before Azerbaijani plane crash, Russian aviation chief says
Nazani mastodon (AP)
You really have to wonder about Russian military and civilian aviation tech, if they can't tell the difference between a commercial airliner & a drone.

Munster, IN, 10/28/2024
The licensee's radiation safety officer (RSO) was notified on 12/20/2024, at approximately 1130 CST of a medical event that occurred at Franciscan Health Munster in Munster, IN on 10/28/2024. A patient was prescribed a Y-90 TheraSphere treatment with a prescribed dose of 23.5 Gbq. The calculated administrated dose was 18.32 Gbq. This indicates an approximate 22 percent underdose. The licensee is continuing to investigate.

A Medical…

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Chicago, IL:
Rotating cam atop the SE corner of Soldier Field. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 14:06:26 UTC (about 27 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Chicago: 46.25 F | 7.92 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: E at 11.006 mph | 17.71 kph // Humidity: 85%
QOTCA 💛 mastodon (AP)
I can't tell you how much I love this cam 😅♥️

Axios mastodon (AP)
The Biden administration withdrew its plans for student loan forgiveness and the incoming administration is not expected to prioritize this.

Borrowers don't need to take immediate action, but some may want to explore changing repayment plans.

The Register mastodon (AP)
Parker Solar Probe sends a "Still Alive" tone back to Earth

This was a triumph There is good news for Sun botherers: the Parker Solar Probe appears to have survived its close encounter with our nearest star.…
#theregister #IT

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
Telescopic view of the Muskegon Channel south Lighthouse. // Image captured at: 2024-12-27 14:01:01 UTC (about 3 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 41.37 F | 5.21 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: ESE at 7.001 mph | 11.26 kph // Humidity: 96%

Freax_ES friendica
[default] Add hg to our flatpak to make the build revision work #fediverse-software

Code inheritance, the traditional way
A friend learned COBOL and received a codebase where the last change was done in the 90s... by his mum.

that's not how inheritance is d supposed to work in programming.
bytebro reshared this.
bytebro mastodon (AP)
This made me actually LOL in the pub.

Freax_ES friendica

newer older

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