‘El foraster’ va visitar ahir la capital del Conflent, Prada, on Quim Masferrer va rebre una lliçó de país per part del professor Ramon Gual. “Veniu com a forasters o com a estrangers”, li va demanar. “Ara pla. Jo he vingut.Oriol Babler (VilaWeb)
The world’s most popular flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get up-to-date flight status & airport information.Flightradar24
Swiss officials acknowledge Europe's diminished stability as they modernize Cold War-era nuclear shelters to protect nine million residents.Olena Mukhina (Euromaidan Press)
Anti-drone shelters will be constructed with the funding to protect electricity transmission equipment and make Ukraine's energy grid more reliable and resilient, the EIB said in a statement.Volodymyr Ivanyshyn (The Kyiv Independent)
Ukraine's National Securities and Stock Market Commission announced on Dec. 23 that it will prohibit the withdrawal of foreign issuer securities, with the ban taking effect on Jan. 1.Dmytro Basmat (The Kyiv Independent)