Why do the mutual aid requests start with so many qualifiers? Do you have to be a certain demographic for people to help you?

It sounds so much like the "As a ...., I think that" accounts.

Vulpine mastodon (AP)
Decoding Fox News
How does someone get grazed by a bullet and show no signs of an injury this soon afterward? He was injured. Someone shot at him. A man was murdered and two others were critical injured. Trump’s injury doesn’t make sense for a bullet.
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
it was shrapnel.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Viete kde kupit diatomicku zeminu? #slovakia
Viete kde kupit diatomicku zeminu?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) A little disappointed that these guys didn’t show up. #Altius #Citius #CitiusAltiusFortius #Fortius #Olympiad #Olympics #Olympics2024 #Paris2024
A little disappointed that these guys didn’t show up.
feliz mastodon (AP)
or these
Asterix and Obelix at the Olympics
Europe Says reshared this.
Jan Sobotka mastodon (AP)
It is, but it was announced multiple times that they declined an invitation.

CrowdStrike Offers $10 Gift Card as Apology for Shutting Down Basically the Whole Earth

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week's epic global computer meltdown — seemingly the largest IT outage in history — is offering its partners a hilariously inadequate mea culpa: a $10 Uber Eats gift card in apology.

It's a hilariously inadequate gesture for a slip-up that cost Fortune 500 companies more than $5 billion in direct losses, according to a new analysis by insurance firm Parametrix, and forced countless IT professionals to work around the clock over the weekend.

Adding insult to injury, at least some of the gift cards were "canceled by the issuing party" and were "no longer valid," according to TechCrunch.
2 people reshared this
Bob Lai diaspora
What the frick can you get for $10?

CrowdStrike Offers $10 Gift Card as Apology for Shutting Down Basically the Whole Earth

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm behind last week's epic global computer meltdown — seemingly the largest IT outage in history — is offering its partners a hilariously inadequate mea culpa: a $10 Uber Eats gift card in apology.

It's a hilariously inadequate gesture for a slip-up that cost Fortune 500 companies more than $5 billion in direct losses, according to a new analysis by insurance firm Parametrix, and forced countless IT professionals to work around the clock over the weekend.

Adding insult to injury, at least some of the gift cards were "canceled by the issuing party" and were "no longer valid," according to TechCrunch.

Book Challenge: 20 Bücher, die dich geprägt haben. Ein Buch pro Tag, 20 Tage lang. Keine Erklärungen, keine Bewertungen, nur Buchcover. #20books Buch 1:
Buch: die grüne Paperbackausgabe des Herrn der Ringe.
Alex mastodon (AP)
Book Challange: #20books
Buch 11:
Buchcover: Albert Camus, die Pest
Tuchowski mastodon (AP)
Ich sehe sehr viele Parallelen im Buch in Bezug auf die Covid-Pandemie.
Mina mastodon (AP)
Ist vielleicht nicht mehr so brandaktuell in allem, aber ich habe soooo viel aus dem Buch gelernt (klar - Bücherschrank der Eltern).

Hätte wirklich auch in meiner Liste stehen können, aber total vergessen.

Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Guten Morgen, ihr Lieben! 🧡
Beginnen wir den ersten olympischen Tag sportlich.
Ich gehe joggen, mit Helga... ☀️

#gutenMorgen #sportlich #joggen
Eine Schnecke mit Schneckenhaus vor gelblich günem Hintergrund
Schwarzer Text:
Das ist Helga. Mit ihr gehe ich heute wieder joggen.
Schnecke mit Schneckenhaus vor gelbgrünem Hintergrund,
schwarzer Text:
Das ist Helga. Mit ihr gehe ich heute wieder joggen.
This entry was edited (12 minutes ago)
Kathleen mastodon (AP)
Guten Morgen und einen zufriedenen Tag.
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
@Kathleen Guten Morgen, liebe Kathleen, den wünsche ich dir auch! 🤗 ☀️

jhx mastodon (AP)
My fingers itch.....
Damn you #ArchLinux :arch:

Well, let me keep you around still.

Well, 4 distros it is.... can't help myself.
jhx mastodon (AP)
@sourcerer @stefano
Gentoo is amazing!
Ran it for a while on the desktop.
Arch and Gentoo for sure are hard to leave 😂
Sourcerer mastodon (AP)
@stefano That's because gentoo is powerful distro. You can do anything, and shape install how you like.

Don't like udev? No problem switching to mdev etc.

Gentoo offered libressl, but unfortunately they stopped.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Η Ελλάδα επιστρέφει μετά από 16 χρόνια στους Ολυμπιακούς και την περιμένει ο Καναδάς #greece
Η Ελλάδα επιστρέφει μετά από 16 χρόνια στους Ολυμπιακούς και την περιμένει ο Καναδάς

Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry
The climate emergency poses a “real risk” to Spain’s traditional mass tourist model as rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves hit the country’s most popular coastal destinations, a senior public health adviser has warned.

Héctor Tejero, the head of health and climate change at Spain’s health ministry, said the increasingly apparent physical impacts of the climate emergency had already led the ministry to begin talks with the British embassy on how best to educate “vulnerable” tourists about coping with the heat.

Asked whether the climate emergency could lead to tourism disappearing from parts of Spain in the future, Tejero said: “It’s a real risk because the big Spanish sol y playa tourist areas – the areas that are most dependent on tourism – are places where the impact of climate change is going to be greatest in Spain; places such as the south and the east of the peninsula – basically the Mediterranean coast. There’s a definite risk that the zones where there’s most tourism will become less habitable because of more heatwaves and much hotter nights.”

Such conditions, he added, could discourage tourists, or push up air-conditioning costs for hotels as the units would need to be on for longer periods of time.

“I’d say tourism is one of many sectors that’s at risk from climate change,” Tejero said. “Apart from the fact that it’s causing tensions in certain areas, it needs to adapt itself to the climatic reality that’s on the way. That’s why we need to adapt the tourist sector, consider reducing it, and try to mitigate the effects of climate change before they get worse. But Spain is the EU country that’s most vulnerable to climate change and that’s not going to change in the short term.”

Boerps ☑️ mastodon (AP)
Samstag, 27.07.2024, 19:05 Uhr,
DLF Kultur

Ferruccio Busoni

„Arlecchino“ op. 50

Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Leitung: Gerd Albrecht

#music #classic #oper #history

Boerps ☑️ mastodon (AP)
Daniel Hope gedenkt Ferruccio Busonis

#music #classic #podcast

Live von den Salzburger Festspielen
Richard Strauss: „Capriccio“

Wiener Philharmoniker; Dirigent: Christian Thielemann.

#music #classic #oper

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL about Pschitt!, a French soft drink created by Perrier in 1954. The name originates in the transcription in French of the noise made by a Perrier bottle when it is opened.
#til #todayilearned

Igor Stravinsky - Petrouchka

Claude Debussy - Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -
Symphonie n°31 en ré majeur K 297/300 "Paris"

Jean-Baptiste Doulcet, piano
Orchestre de Paris
Klaus Mäkelä, direction

#music #classic #concert

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Lake Bled is among the most beautiful places I have ever been to. Thank you for sharing your country with travellers! #slovenia
Lake Bled is among the most beautiful places I have ever been to. Thank you for sharing your country with travellers!

#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-27 10:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 991
Number of users: 8 891 132
Number of statuses: 1 076 978 107
Number of users last 4h: 374
Number of statuses last 4h: 54 921
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

Despite Ukrainian forces withdrawing from Krynyky, the battle for the islands in the Dnipro Delta near Kherson continues. The 37th Marine Brigade is systematically destroying the Russian boats used for troop transfers and rotations near Hola Prystan. It is reportedly that due to lack of supplies, some Russian units have already started abandoning their positions.

Extreme heat poses ‘real risk’ to Spain’s mass tourism industry
The climate emergency poses a “real risk” to Spain’s traditional mass tourist model as rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves hit the country’s most popular coastal destinations, a senior public health adviser has warned.

Héctor Tejero, the head of health and climate change at Spain’s health ministry, said the increasingly apparent physical impacts of the climate emergency had already led the ministry to begin talks with the British embassy on how best to educate “vulnerable” tourists about coping with the heat.

Asked whether the climate emergency could lead to tourism disappearing from parts of Spain in the future, Tejero said: “It’s a real risk because the big Spanish sol y playa tourist areas – the areas that are most dependent on tourism – are places where the impact of climate change is going to be greatest in Spain; places such as the south and the east of the peninsula – basically the Mediterranean coast. There’s a definite risk that the zones where there’s most tourism will become less habitable because of more heatwaves and much hotter nights.”

Such conditions, he added, could discourage tourists, or push up air-conditioning costs for hotels as the units would need to be on for longer periods of time.

“I’d say tourism is one of many sectors that’s at risk from climate change,” Tejero said. “Apart from the fact that it’s causing tensions in certain areas, it needs to adapt itself to the climatic reality that’s on the way. That’s why we need to adapt the tourist sector, consider reducing it, and try to mitigate the effects of climate change before they get worse. But Spain is the EU country that’s most vulnerable to climate change and that’s not going to change in the short term.”
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
Wow! I just found out that FTTH has reached our house! I can get rid of those two old FTTC connections and switch to a provider that will also give me a /48 IPv6 subnet natively!
Sourcerer mastodon (AP)
I wait for that day too 😂 i hope they reach me this year ...
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
@sourcerer I'll request it in the next month. But being a recently connected zone, waiting times can go from 2 days to 6 months...
Sourcerer mastodon (AP)
omg. I want to switch as fast as possible too.

Samstag, 27. Juli 2024, ab 20 Uhr

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Die Zauberflöte

Sarastro: Franz Crass
Königin der Nacht: Roberta Peters
Pamina: Evelyn Lear
Tamino: Fritz Wunderlich
Papageno: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Papagena: Lisa Otto

RIAS-Kammerchor, Berliner Philharmoniker
Leitung: Karl Böhm

Diese Aufnahme entstand im Jahr 1964.

#music #classic #oper #history

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Neki heroji svoj plašt koriste za sasvim druge stvari #croatia
Neki heroji svoj plašt koriste za sasvim druge stvari

John L. Roberson mastodon (AP)
Baja, Baja, Baja

Mark Nowiasz hubzilla (AP)

So wahr


Torsten Appelhagen hubzilla (via ActivityPub)
kann ich nicht bestätigen. Werde im Gegenteil immer wieder damit behelligt, wie es den angehen könne, dass ich keinen habe, wenn ich mal wieder zugeben musste, die letzte Folge von "hier beliebige TV-Sendung/Serie einsetzen" nicht gesehen zu haben.
Mark Nowiasz hubzilla (AP)
@Torsten Appelhagen Doch doch.. Schaue Dir mal jegliche Diskussionen (egal ob soziale Netzwerke oder Foren) an, ganz besonders wenn es um "Mainstream"-Sendungen geht wie Soap Operas, Dschungelcamp, Tatort, was auch immer. Da ist immer mindestens einer (eher mehr) dabei der laut proklamiert dass er die Sendung nicht gesehen hat weil er schon seit XYZ Jahren keinen Fernseher mehr hat. Was die Leute antreibt über etwas zu diskutieren was sie nicht gesehen haben ist mir unklar, vermutlich das gleiche wie Veganer die einem auch bei jeder passenden und unpassenden Gelegenheit erzählen dass sie Veganer und deshalb ethisch/moralisch besser sind 🤷‍♂️
Torsten Appelhagen hubzilla (via ActivityPub)
Das stimmt, dann wär's bitter. I'm Inet kann ich ja zumindest noch ein kleines bisschen Einfluss nehmen auf die Verblödung, der ich mich aussetze. 🙁

#Wordle 1,134 4/6


Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore... You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again — Donald J Trump #quotes #quote #Trump #LastElections #TrumpsProject2025 #DemocracyAtStake #Warning

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Thomas Dooley murder – What led to the cemetery stabbing #ireland
Thomas Dooley murder - What led to the cemetery stabbing

‘My day in a Liverpool alley with 35 drag queens’

Queen by Magnus Hastings is a "one of a kind" drag photography exhibition. #press

Relive a wild month in US politics in about two minutes

An assassination attempt against a former president and an incumbent drops out - the last few weeks have been unprecedented. #press

Love the AI use in this video, it's tons of fun!
Tony diaspora
Yes, bit creepy but very funny.. 😊

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Rachel Reeves will blame asylum hotel bill for black hole in public finances #UnitedKingdom
Rachel Reeves will blame asylum hotel bill for black hole in public finances

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The historical museum of Olten roasting their own city #switzerland
The historical museum of Olten roasting their own city

Watch: Poole paddleboarder's 'jackpot' encounter with dolphins

Ben Felton and his friend Nick Woods are joined by the small pod of dolphins. #press

Sascha 😎 🏴 (Fediverse) friendica (via Diaspora)
Bismarckplatz, vor der Straßenbahn

Meinung | Danke RNV... Nicht!

Welcher Spezi kommt eigentlich auf die Idee für die Straßenbahnlinie RNV5 die kürzesten verfügbahnen Modelle einzusetzen? Die RNV5 mit der ich gerade vom Hans-Thoma-Platz zum Bismarckplatz gefahren bin war rappelvoll. So voll das nicht alle rein kamen obwohl die Leute sich in Sachen Aufrücken an sich sehr gut verhalten haben. Auf einer solchen Strecke um die Zeit so kurze Bahnen einzusetzen gehört bestraft. Zumal wenn man bedenkt das der Bahnverkehr durch die Sanierung der Dossenheimer Landstraße eh schon ausgedünnt ist!

#Meinung #ÖPNV #Heidelberg #Rhein-Neckar #Straßenbahn #RNV #RNV5 #Verkehrsplanung #Verkehrswende #2024-07-27 @Heidelberg @Stadt Heidelberg @Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar @ÖPNV
Christoph S reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Бивш вътрешен министър: Влиза се веднага в склада в Елин Пелин, няма такова правило от 24 часа Контркст( има още хора в не известност и е установено че има шанс да са живи) #bulgaria
Бивш вътрешен министър: Влиза се веднага в склада в Елин Пелин, няма такова правило от 24 часа Контркст( има още хора в не известност и е установено че има шанс да са живи)
newer older

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