Das Oberverwaltungsgericht gibt einer Klage gegen das Klimaschutzprogramm der Bundesregierung statt. Die Ampel muss nachbessern, kann aber Revision einlegen.#Klimaschutzgesetz #Umweltrecht,Recht #Klimaschutzprogramm,Klimakabinett,Klimapaket
Gericht attestiert der Ampel Klimalücke bis 2030

At least 4 people are killed in Houston after a severe thunderstorm passed through


Across the city, power lines and trees are downed, traffic lights are out and glass is scattered across downtown. About 900,000 customers were left without power early Friday.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

我要显摆一下刚买的三百刀的锤子,好迷人,手感好好,想抱着它睡觉 :aru_0180:
fivestone mastodon (AP)

Brodie Robertson mastodon (AP)
How Do Fedora Change Proposals Even Work #Linux #YouTube

nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund Becomes First Governmental Sponsor of FFmpeg Project. See and #opensource #unix #linux
Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund Becomes First Governmental Sponsor of FFmpeg Project. The screeshot shows funding information such as invested amount which is €157,580.00 for 2024 and 2025 year.
Suguru Hirahara mastodon (AP)
fwiw they seem to be available at @sovtechfund (unverified account).
Mac_CZ 🇦🇶 mastodon (AP)
So it'll have backdoors and trojans now?

only works with Whiskey-Cola

nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
Want to run the same command again? In many shells (e.g., tcsh, zsh, bash) you can type "!!" to recall last command and run it. Example:

apt install nginx # missed sudo
sudo !! # this will run sudo apt install nginx

#linux #unix #macos #freebsd
FreeBSD screenshot showing how to use '!!' to run the pkg command again.
KaximotoX mastodon (AP)
up, ctl+a, sudo
Álvaro mastodon (AP)
@amarzar no lo conocía, ¡muchas gracias por compartirlo!

Khurram Wadee diaspora

#Aurora #BanksPeninsula

#Astronomy #Picture of the Day

#APOD #NewZealand #AuroraAustralis

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Analysis by Daniel Levy

"If Israel doesn’t want a ceasefire, what does it want?"

"Israeli leaders insist on an open-ended war in Gaza until the Palestinian group Hamas is defeated, but this goal is a fantasy."

Levy explains how Israel & the West have prevented the Palestinians from rebuilding a robust national liberation movement.

#FreePalestine #Israel ..
DrALJONES reshared this.
Thank you for this and all the information you post

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)

Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your letting me know it's of use 🙂

John Hummel diaspora
Trump is using his minions to violate his gag order, an act only a career criminal and a wannabe dictator would commit.

Trump is using proxies to violate his gag order

#Trump #Boebert #Fascism #CareerCriminal

Bob Lai diaspora
What they expect is a reward - cabinet positions, etc.

What they'll get is shat upon and discarded, like Michael Cohen and Allan Weisselberg and Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy and Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer and John Kelly and Rex Tillerson and just about everyone else who has fallen for the okiedoke of MAGA glory.
tomgrzybow diaspora
Not to mention Michael Cohen himself.

ZAMHOIDN Landshut mastodon (AP)
#WeRemember und deswegen handeln wir! Jüdinnen & #Juden stehen heute weltweit wieder Angriffen ungeheuren Ausmaßes gegenüber.

🇩🇪 hat eine besondere Verantwortung, 🇮🇱 Leben zu schützen. Der industrielle #Völkermord der Nazis sei unvergessen!
Gelebte #Erinnerungskultur bedeuet aber auch, #Antisemitismus in allen seinen Erscheinungsformen, auch in linken Milieus, aktiv zu bekämpfen!

ℹ️ NS-Verbrechen in Niederbayern, YouTube:

#NieWiederNichtsGewusst #NieWiederIstJetzt #Oct7
International Holocaust Remembrance Day

#holocaustgedenktag #holocaustmemorialday #shoah #holocaust #Genozid #Völkermord #NieWieder #WehretDenAnfängen #Juden #Judenhass

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs a bill that strikes climate change from state law


Under the new law, climate change will largely disappear from state statutes. Critics say the move ignores the risks of climate change facing Florida, including rising seas, flooding and extreme heat.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Jim Bowering diaspora
They'll ignore it until they're up to their hips in water, then they'll blame it on someone else.
Jim Bowering diaspora
Does anyone ever burst out laughing at these press conferences?

"I don't accept genocide over fascism. I don't accept fascism over genocide."

This is how Trump wins!

I hate the system we have here in the US. Thinking like this is what will let Trump win this election.

Here's the thing, the Genocide will continue and likely succeed under Trump, but that won't be the end of it. Because HE will still be President, and we will never get a vote again.

So it's not #Genocide over #Facism. The Genocide is going to continue with or without the facism. However, you can stop the facism!

No, I do not support Either #Palestine or #Israel.

No, I do not support Either #Democrats or #Republicans.

I do, however, wish to keep living and have #HOPE that others can too. With one candidate I can have hope, the other, I'm dead.

#USPolitics #Politics #Vote2024
@[email protected] Is it going to happen if Trump gets elected? Will we have fascism if Biden gets elected? Again I'm not FOR either of them, but facts are facts, there are NO other viable options… No 3rd party candidate has a chance and if by voting for one of them takes a vote away from Biden, then it is a Vote for Trump. [I stand against anyone killing innocent people (children).]
tomgrzybow diaspora
I discount the future, especially our future, in favor of attempting to end the genocide now. Of course our future is important, but not as important as what is happening now.

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Interview with Belkis Wille, Human Rights Watch

"Israeli Forces Attack Known Aid Worker Locations in Gaza"

"A new Human Rights Watch Report finds Israeli forces have attacked humanitarian aid convoys and facilities at least eight times since October 7.

"More than 250 aid workers have been killed in Gaza over the past seven months.... What’s really unique is the high number in such a short period of time.”

#UN #HRW #IsraeliWarCrimes ..
DrALJONES reshared this.
Be interesting to see if they attack the pier or any US marked vehicles that might use it.
DrALJONES mastodon (AP)

Given the paucity of the pier "solution" re aid, it's worth enquiring how else it might serve both Israeli & US interests.

Several analysts have explored potential additional purposes of the pier, including Israel's exporting Palestinian natural resources, not to mention the potential expulsion of Palestinians themselves (as happened with the PLO in Lebanon in 1982).

Joerg Fliege diaspora
First satellite pics from the ATACMS attack that happened two nights ago. Two MiGs and one ammunition warehouse destroyed, but probably not much more.

WIth 16 rockets fired that was an expensive attack. But killing two MiGs was probably worth it.

Joerg Fliege diaspora
On money. A €100million here, a €100million there, and suddenly you own a Patriot system,

Joerg Fliege diaspora
The latest update from the ISW. Not great, not terrible.

Joyce Donahue diaspora

Clowns to the left, jokers to the right - and MTG is back in the middle again! 😜
Bob Lai diaspora
When did we pass the DECORUM (Democratic, Educated Congress Overthrown by Republican, Unstable Minority) Act?
tomgrzybow diaspora
House Rules: Insults first, then threats.

I'm sorry Slack, you're doing fucking WHAT with user DMs, messages, files, etc? I'm positive I'm not reading this correctly.
@gsuberland i can literally hear every single computer security company on earth screaming at the same time right now.

because im one of them

screaming into this fucking feedback email address.
there is not a single private company you can trust with your private data now. Not. a. Single. One. You can rather trust they will fuck you up with some ai crap.

ploum mastodon (AP)
The @protonprivacy service sent a survey to its users, asking lot of question about their interest in AI and "privacy-friendly AI".

Which is quite worrying: it looks like they have been infested by that stupid "AI everywhere" braiworm.
HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.
EK mastodon (AP)
Same with crypto. @protonprivacy
it continues

there is not a single private company you can trust with your private data now. Not. a. Single. One. You can rather trust they will fuck you up with some ai crap.

#knowledge #wissen #wissenschaft #science
Controlled failure: The building designed to limit catastrophe 🤓
HistoPol (#HP) mastodon (AP)
Fascinating new #BuildingDesign to make them more #earthquake-proof.

Watch the video:

#knowledge #wissen #wissenschaft #science
Controlled failure: The building designed to limit catastrophe 🤓

Joerg Fliege diaspora
Water is wet, and

British decline linked to Brexit, weak leadership and poor finances in damning report
Weak leadership, poor economic management and Brexit have dragged Britain out of the top 10 countries in a global index on good government. The decline of Britain under the Tories has been charted by the global Chandler Good Government Index (CGGI) which saw it take 11th place.

Well, 11th is still pretty good. Its the UK, not Venezuela. But "world leading" this ain't.
It was also hit by coming 27th in “financial stewardship”. The findings come amid a report of an exodus by companies from the City of London.

Despite Brexit and the fallout of leaving the EU, Britain’s position was boosted by coming second in the “reputation and global influence” category, being only beaten by France. Overall Singapore came top of the index. However, Brexit hurt the UK badly in its international trade score, with it dropping by 26 places.

The UK’s global influence score was high but was harmed by being outside the EU, meaning that its status on international trade had dropped from joint second to 28th.


#cartoon by Peter #Kuper
Bellarome diaspora
Another one down the toilet.

Survey says

#cartoon by Joe #Heller

Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde


3:21 min music video
#music #lounge #ThieveryCorporation

Hey Graphics Folks, ever wonder who the “Phong” was that invented Phong shading?

Turns out his last name wasn’t Phong, that online picture of him isn't even him, and his death is connected to the U.S. military’s use of chemical weapons during the Vietnam War.

Dr. Oh, Dr. Tran, and I wrote about it here:

Die NPD war damals "zu klein und unbedeutend", um sie zu verbieten. Die AfD ist zu groß und bedeutend, um sie zu verbieten?

Kann mir mal irgendwer erklären, warum dann überhaupt noch die Möglichkeit besteht, eine Partei juristisch zu verbieten?

Holy Moly. Das Verbotsverfahren an sich, klug in Szene gesetzt, würde einen politischen Umschwung auslösen. Menschen Mut machen, (75 % halten die afd für demokratiegefährdend) die schon lange die Schnauze voll haben und auf ein Signal warten!
Eine Hauch Antifaschismus und Antikapitalismus und dieser Staat zeigt dir, wo der Hammer hängt....
das ist die Kurzversion, ja. Ich habe deine berechtigte Frage etwas ausführlicher auf FB thematisiert. Wenn du mir sagst, ob und wer du auf FB bist, verlink ich dir gern den Credit für die Frage 😏
This entry was edited (31 minutes ago)

Well, I've never read this story before.

Im Erntejahr 2024 wird in Deutschland auf einer Fläche von voraussichtlich 1,1 Millionen Hektar Sommergetreide angebaut, ein Zuwachs von 19,6 % gegenüber 2023. Die Fläche für Sommerweizen wird sich voraussichtlich mehr als verdreifachen: #Landwirtschaft
Die Grafik zeigt die Entwicklung der Anbauflächen von Getreide und Silomais in Deutschland von 2015 bis 2024 in 1000 Hektar. Die blaue Linie repräsentiert die Anbaufläche von Wintergetreide. Der Verlauf zeigt einen leichten Rückgang von etwa 5500 Hektar im Jahr 2015 auf knapp unter 5000 Hektar im Jahr 2024. Die rote Linie stellt die Anbaufläche von Silomais dar, die relativ konstant bei etwa 2000 Hektar liegt. Die dunkelblaue Linie zeigt die Anbaufläche von Sommergetreide, die sich ebenfalls relativ konstant bei etwa 1000 Hektar bewegt. Die Daten für das Jahr 2024 sind vorläufige Ergebnisse. Die Grafik stammt vom Statistischen Bundesamt (Destatis) und wurde im Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht.

April 2024 was Australia’s coolest in decade – but world’s warmest ever #breakingnews #news

Guten Morgen, es ist Freitag. Heute muss ich wirklich mal richtig was tun nachdem an den letzten Tagen eher genießen im Vordergrund stand.
Mit süßen Erinnerungen schmeiße ich mich jetzt in die Partyvorbereitungen. Also nicht genau jetzt, erst brauche ich noch Kaffee...
Habt einen schönen Tag
33,5h bis Party
HistoPol (#HP) mastodon (AP)
Viel Erfolg bei der Vorbereitung 🤧

Your guide to the reveal of five new Euclid images



ESA is releasing a new set of full-colour images captured by the space telescope Euclid. Follow a broadcast of the reveal on Thursday 23 May at 11:00 BST / 12:00 CEST.

Five new portraits of our cosmos were captured during Euclid’s early observations phase, each revealing amazing new science. Euclid’s ability to unravel the secrets of the cosmos is something you will not want to miss.

#space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2


donsimon diaspora
Israel must be freed from Zionism

Rhubarb (Rheum) abloom

with Allium giganteum.
We're not rhubarb eaters, @clarice overhere. Alas. This is a huge plant about 5 feet across and 6 feet to the tip of the inflorescence. The first time we let it go to bloom, we were gobsmacked by the flowers and keep growing it as an ornamental. As well, some plants in the immediate vicinity of the 'shady' side of the garden have similar flowers. Like, Goatsbeard (Aruncus dioicus, white flowers), and Bottle Brush or Squirrel Tail (Sanguisorba, with pink plumes) Despite being shady, lots of fireworkds going off. Ha. Like the alliums which have done really well at about 4 feet tall and still coming into full bloom. Just glad I've been able to get a few things done every day while navigating on crutches. And potting up some just arrived bare root plants.
your rhubarb has done better than many i've seen grown for their stalks, it's wonderful! and surely does make for a gorgeous ornamental, as we see. The alliums, too, are wonderous. From what you're showing of the garden, it is truly bounteous - to you and your good lady: Luv ya work! 😁
ps. goodspeed with the healing and off-crutches soon.

Adam Hunt diaspora
Great dance moves!
newer older

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